12 May 2012, 21:00

Rally against construction of cement factory held in North Ossetia

Today, residents of the Alagir District of North Ossetia have expressed their concern – at a rally against construction of a cement factory – regarding possible negative impacts on the environment and health of local residents from the would-be factory.

The project of a cement factory in North Ossetia near the city of Alagir is implemented by the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC).

The organizers of the rally, including doctors and the staff of the local newspaper, believe that the future factory to be built by the UMMC is a serious hazard for the environment and human health, the "Interfax" reports.

The action was attended by about 300 people, the edition named "The 15th Region" reports. The rally was sanctioned by the authorities; no incidents have been reported.

So far, there are no comments of the UMMC officials about the rally and the voiced concerns.

At announcement of the plans to build the factory, Alan Dzhibilov, the Minister of Industry, Transports and Energy of the Republic, said that the production would be organized under the model of the leading enterprises in Europe, in accordance with international standards of environmental safety.

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