Bela Danilina, mother of Timur Danilin, who was kidnapped on March 25, picketing the Republic's Prosecutor's Office, Makhachkala, May 14, 2012. Photo by Zakir Magomedov

14 May 2012, 22:00

Relatives of kidnapped Dagestanis hold picket in front of Republic's Prosecutor's Office

Relatives of Rashid Ismailov, who was kidnapped in May in Makhachkala, have picketed the Prosecutor's Office of Dagestan, demanding a meeting with Andrei Nazarov, the Public Prosecutor of the republic. They were supported by relatives of Timur Danilin and Magomed and Abdullah Murtuzaliev, who were kidnapped in March.

Let us remind you that according to the Dagestani regional organization "Pravozaschita" (Advocacy), Rashid Ismailov was kidnapped by armed men on May 8 in the yard on the house in Akushinsky Street in Makhachkala. Timur Danilin disappeared on March 25; a criminal case was opened on this fact. Magomed and Abdullah Murtuzaliev left their home in a car on March 7 and never returned. Their parents have sent an application to the local branch of the Russian Federal Security Bureau (FSB) asking to help to define their whereabouts.

"They didn't want to receive us," Zhanna Ismailova, Rashid Ismailov's mother, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. "They did it only because Rashid's grandfather, a war veteran, was with us. Andrei Nazarov promised to take the case under his personal control and to respond to our application within a month."

According to the woman, relatives of the kidnapped persons were not happy to hear it. "I can't wait for a month when my son is being tortured. Under the law, they were to open a criminal case within three days, but five days have elapsed. We've looked for Rashid at all IVSs (temporary detention centres), at 'Division Six' (special unit for combating extremism, - note of the "Caucasian Knot"), but he is nowhere. We demand to immediately find him. Now, in the evening we'll go back to the Prosecutor's Office. I will not leave the place until I know where my son is," said Zhanna Ismailova.

Besides, the picket was attended by local reporters; however, according to Elena Denisenko, representative of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" in Dagestan, employees of the Prosecutor's Office did not allow them to make photos.

Author: Natalia Krainova Source: CK correspondent

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