25 May 2012, 23:00

In Sochi, employees of Dendrology Park stop hunger strike

Employees of the "Southern Plants" Park in Sochi, who on May 22 went on hunger strike, demanding payment of wage arrears, stopped their protest action after the meeting with the city authorities and the deputies. They agreed to a compromise to temporary become workers of the Sochi National Park, which should merge the "Southern Plants" Park after the official transfer procedure.

Let us remind you that in the morning of May 22, four park guards went on hunger strike to protest against more-than-two-year wage arrears.

"The park guards stopped their hunger strike; however, their wage arrears were not paid. All workers of the 'Yuzhleskhoz' (the 'Southern Plants' Park) in number of 12 employees (4 park guards and 8 workers) intend to submit application forms to get employed with the Sochi National Park," stated Nikolai Pinkovsky, Director of the Sochi National Park.

According to him, the "Rosimuschestvo" (the Federal Agency for State Property Management), which supervises the "Southern Plants" Park, wrote a letter to the Sochi National Park, asking to temporary employ the workers of the "Yuzhleskhoz", until the official procedure of transfer of the enterprise under the supervision of the Sochi National Park, the "Interfax-Yug" reports.

As far as the basic demand of the workers is concerned, the issue of wage arrears is being investigated by the Investigatory Committee, the Prosecutor's Office, and the Department for Combating Economic Crimes. Almost six million roubles should be paid to the park workers. They promise to go on hunger strike again in case if the money is not paid to them within several months, the "Max Portal" reports.

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