Participants in the First International Islamic Conference in Moscow, May 25, 2012. Courtesy of the RIA "Daghestan"

26 May 2012, 23:00

Topic of radicalism in Islam is the major one at theological conference in Moscow

The problem of radical Islam is discussed by the participants of the first in Russian history International Theological Conference: "Islamic Doctrine Against Radicalism". The event is attended by major Islamic scholars, Russian Muftis, Islamic scientists and experts.

On May 25 and 26, the conference was held in Moscow; and on May 27, its participants will arrive in Grozny, which will host the final day of the forum.

The event will bring fruit in settling the differences among the Muslim community (ummah) in Russia, Dr Adel Al Falyakh, the head of the International Centre "Al-Vasatyyya" (Kuwait), created to promote the principles of moderation in Islam, said in his opening word.

"Today, the ideas that we call radical, and the people who profess them, sow discord in Russia. All of this stems from the fact that during the Soviet period of Russian history the territory of your country, inhabited by millions of Muslims, occurred in a sort of vacuum generated by ignorance. We have gathered here to dispel this vacuum," said Adel al Falyakh.

In his conversation with the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, Bekmurza Bekmurzaev, the Minister of National Policy of the Republic of Dagestan, noted the importance of the event.

"There is hope that the conference has good prospects. Those people who want to hear the truth and a fair speech – can now do it. The essence of this event is that it gives the floor to internationally recognized scholars – Alims. From the perspective of Islam they will tell here about the ban to kill; about the inadmissibility of free interpretation of such concepts as 'jihad', for example. These concepts will be explained by the leading world scholars – Alims – from the viewpoint of the Koran and Sharia law," said Bekmurza Bekmurzaev.

Author: Abdullah Alisultanov Source: CK correspondent

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