Krasnodar Territory, May 26, 2012; residents of the city of Yeisk at an ecological rally. Courtesy of the Internet portal "Eysk.Info":

28 May 2012, 23:50

At rally, Eysk residents demand to hold referendum on operation of oil terminal

On Saturday, May 26, the city of Eysk of the Krasnodar Region hosted the ecological rally "People's protest: Eysk without ferry and oil terminals". According to organizers, the protest action was attended by 800-1000 persons, including representatives of local authorities.

Alexander Baturinets, the deputy of the Eysk District Council, and Sergey Sinitsyn, the representative of the "Ecological Watch for Northern Caucasus", were the organizers of the rally. According to the organizers, the rally was attended by representatives of political parties, law enforcement agencies, municipalities, government institutions and organizations.

The protest action was distinguished by the fact that it was the first time, when the ecological rally in Eysk was attended by representatives of the city and district authorities, who supported concern of the local residents over unfavourable ecological situation in the city and perspective of its worsening in case of implementation of new dangerous projects.

In particular, Vitaly Ziva, Deputy of Mikhail Timofeev, the head of the Eysk District, addressed the people on behalf of his chief. He said that the project for installation of information boards with actual information about air state in all parts of the city had been developed.

In his turn, Valery Kulkov, Mayor of the city of Eysk, addressed the participants of the rally, calling on them to appeal to him personally to express their proposals regarding solution of the problematic ecological situation. Meanwhile, the Mayor has noted that, if there is a need is to close the oil terminal, it should be done under the current legislation.

The outcome of the rally was the unanimously adopted resolution, which included eight points of demands. The document demands to immediately stop transhipment of oil products through Eysk, to bring to responsibility officials, "involved in the corrupt scheme of transformation of the resort city into the industrial hub, dangerous for life and health", to take measures, conducive to holding of the referendum on to ban transhipment of dangerous goods through Eysk and development of components of the resort city.

According to the organizers, yet prior to the start of the rally, the city initiated collecting signatures against functioning of the oil terminal, and to the end of the rally, more than 850 signatures were collected.

Author: Natalia Dorokhina Source: CK correspondent

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