Collection of signatures against extracting sand from the shelf; the poster runs: "I'm against extracting sand mining from Anapa shelf, building cargo port in Anapa and building on beach and dunes!" Anapa, May 27, 2012. Photo by Svetlana Pankova:

29 May 2012, 20:00

An environmental action against destruction of sandy beaches passed off in Anapa

Ecologists in Anapa held an action of collecting signatures under their appeal to President and Prime Minister of Russia "Save Anapa together!". The activists collected about 1850 signatures. The action passed without any incidents.

The activists demand from President and Prime Minister of Russia to abrogate Enactment of the Government of the Russian Federation No 229-r dated February, 22, 2012, allowing sand recovery of 20 million cubic meters in Anapa shelf. The activists also appeal the Mayor of the health resort to stop destruction of the sandy beach and downs, prohibit building permanent structures in the first sanitary zone and disallow the use of Anapa seaport as a cargo one.

The action was held on May, 27, in the center of the town. It was organized by Coordination council of political parties and social associations of Anapa, "Econovosti Russia" ("Environmental News") reports.

The activists of social and environmental organizations intended to hold a meeting, however it was not authorized. As a result, it was decided to organize an action of collecting signatures. The organizers coordinated their actions on "VKontakte" social network.

Concurrently with the action of collection of signatures Yaroslav Nesterenko held a single-person picket, web-site of "Environmental Watch on North Caucasus" reports.

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