Margarita Karapetyan, a participant of the flashmob "Anticorruption", Yerevan, May 29, 2012. Photo by Armine Martirosyan for the "Caucasian Knot"

29 May 2012, 21:00

Yerevan hosts anti-corruption flash mob

More than 50 young people took part in a flash mob under the motto "Anti-corruption", which was held today in Yerevan and in all regions of Armenia.

The flash mob was organized by anti-corruption "Centre for Protection of Interests and Assistance" (CPIA). According to Sona Arutyunyan, the expert on the reforms of the CPIA's national network development programmes, the action was held to urge the public to fight against corruption. "We attracted more than 50 young people, mostly students-volunteers, to the action 'Anti-corruption' to show a lead to that very layer of society and to encourage them to fight against the lawlessness," she has stressed.

According to Sona Arutyunyan, the CPIA takes measures against corruption not for the first time: earlier, the activists organized marches and distributed leaflets. She has emphasized that, according to studies, in Armenia, risks of corruption take place in all spheres education, health care, urban planning, etc.

"During the short period of time that I have been working at the centre, I read a lot of complaints filed by our citizens, and, in most cases, people complain about corruption and unlawful decisions in the judicial sphere," said Ara Karagezyan, the adviser of the CPIA's legal department.

According to Lianna Egiazaryan, the CPIA's staff member, who took part in the flash mob, most of the complaints received by the CPIA relate to corruption in the spheres of social welfare and judicial law.

Author: Armine Martirosyan Source: CK correspondent

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