31 May 2012, 18:00

A deputy in Krasnodar region suspected of taking a bribe of two million rubles

A deputy in Krasnodar region was detained for suspicion of getting a bribe of two million rubles from a local businessman, Chief Directorate of Economic Security and Struggle against Corruption (CDES and SC) of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Russian Federation reported.

According to the investigation, Director of "Belorechensky Forestry" of State public institution "Forest Committee" of regional Forestry Department who is also a deputy of Belorechensky district Council of Krasnodar region demanded two million rubles from a businessman for preparing materials for an auction on the right of concluding a lease agreement of a timber land which is state property.

"The official agreed to prepare all the necessary documents: draw up and sign the act of natural ground and technical inspection of the total territory of 21 hectares, do calculation of the rental but demanded 2 million rubles for this in spite of the fact that the above mentioned actions are part of his job responsibilities", RIA "Novosti" quotes the police report.

The businessman submitted a statement to law enforcement bodies. The official was detained at the moment of receiving the money. The materials collected were referred to investigative bodies for taking a decision of starting a criminal case according to clause "Bribery on an especially large scale" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, "Russian Agency of Legal and Juridical Information" reports.

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