Oleg Shein addressing his supporters in the Kirov Mini-Park, Astrakhan, April 12, 2012. Photo by Vyacheslav Yaschenko for the "Caucasian Knot"

31 May 2012, 21:00

Shein: trial on annulment of the election of Mayor of Astrakhan will finish on June, 5

A judgment within the framework of the trial on acknowledgment of the results of the election of Mayor of the city invalid may be passed already on June, 5, ex-candidate for Mayor's office Oleg Shein considers.

During the sessions on May, 25 and 26, documents and evidence of witnesses from the polling site commission (PSC) of Sovietsky district were considered. On May, 28, viewing the video records from the PSC started.

The plaintiff's witnesses evidenced a lot of violations in vote-counting procedure and voting itself.

During the trial witnesses, i.e. observers and members of election committees evidenced that the votes were counted with folded down corners of ballot papers passed over horizontally, they were not demonstrated and the observers' attempts to come up closer to the table were suppressed. The observers were in 4 to 5 meters distance from the table while members of the committee were standing round it and it was impossible to see anything. Unused ballot papers were canceled without registration in the protocol, the voters' register was not removed. In one of the PSCs there were also policemen at the table, in the piles of ballot papers with votes for Stolyarov the ones in Shein's favour were regularly found. The final protocol was out of the video camera's range.

"Mayor's office and the municipal Election Committee refused to enter their witnesses on Sovietsky district. It is clear that there will be none on Trusov district, too. So, the trial will come to an end next week", Shein wrote in his blog on LiveJournal.

Oleg Shein is planning to speak in a debate already on Tuesday, June, 5, respectively, the verdict may be passed on the same day", "Volga-Kaspiy" reports.

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