Repatriate from Turkey with keys to a new flat, Abkhazia, Sukhumi, May 30, 2012. Photo by Angela Kuchuberiya for the "Caucasian Knot"

31 May 2012, 23:00

In Abkhazia, 37 returnees receive keys of apartments near Sukhumi

In the village of Machara of the Gulripsh District of Abkhazia, 37 returnees obtained apartments in a five-storey building. Most of them returned from Turkey. The others are the Abkhazians, who returned from Syria and Adzharia, and the Abazins, who came back from Karachay-Cherkessia.

The building is located just a short drive from the city of Sukhumi, near the Gulripsh District Administration. A year ago, the five-storey building, containing two-and three-room apartments, was bought by the State Committee for Repatriation for 50 million roubles. More than 20 million roubles were spent for its renovation and repair. At present, works on electricity and water supply are about to be finished. Interior design of apartments will be completed by repatriates themselves.

At the allocation of housing among the repatriates, primarily participation in the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict of 1992-93 was taken into account, and preference was given to large families.

The solemn ceremony of delivery of keys was held on May 30 at the State Committee for Repatriation, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Among the recipients of the apartments, there are several unmarried young men, who have promised to start families as soon as they got housing. "We hope that they will keep their promises," said Adleiba at the ceremony.

Author: Anzhela Kuchuberia Source: CK correspondent

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