01 June 2012, 07:00

Residents of Volgograd region took part in an “anti-nickel” rally

An “anti-nickel” rally Uriupinsk – Novokhopersk passed off in Volgograd and Voronezh regions and ended with a meeting in the city which continued a series of protest actions against development of a nickel deposit in Voronezh region neighbouring to Volgograd one.

On May, 22, in was announced that “Mednogorsk copper and sulphur enterprise”, part of “MMMBC-Holding (management mountain machine-building limited company)”, got the right of developing these deposits. Residents of Volgograd and Voronezh regions demanded to stop development of the nickel deposits in Novokhopersk district of Voronezh region.

A motorcade followed from Uriupinsk to Novokhopersk interchange of Moscow – Volgograd highway and first numbered 43 cars. At the turn to Novokhopersk two more motorcades, one from the South and the other from the North, joined it. As a result, no less than 200 cars arrived in Novokhoprsk.

Over 3000 people took part in a meeting in Novokhoprsk. The speakers at the meeting declared that “only a treat to the officials’ own well-being can make them do something” in the present situation. Demands of resignation of the officials who initiated nickel development or promoted it were included into the resolution of the action, IA “Vysota 102” reports.

On May, 31, Director for mountain manufacturing of “MMMBC-Holding” Grigory Rudoy held a press conference on the situation with the copper-nickel deposits.

According to Rudoy, development of Elansk and Elkinsk deposits of itself will start only about 2022. Project estimation and prospecting works will be carried out before it and only in case of a positive result preparation of construction documents for the beginning of development of the deposits will start, “Econovosti of Russia” (“Envoronmental News”) reports.

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