01 June 2012, 20:00

Dagestan: parties' debates held at the trial on policemen's beating a teen

Today, the Shamil District Court of Dagestan has held the debates on the parties at the repeated trial on the case of beating a 14-year-old boy in the police building. The sentence will be imposed on June 5.

At night on July 19, 2010, law enforcers detained and brought a 14-year-old boy to the building of the OVD in the village of Hebda, Shamil District. There, according to the boy's relatives, he was beaten and forced to confess of stealing a drill. As a result, according to the relatives, the boy is deaf in one ear.

The defendant Magomed Magomedov is accused of exceeding his powers by using violence. During the debates on June 1 the prosecutor asked to sentence Magomedov to four years of a minimum security colony.

The victim Makhmud Akhmedov expressed his desire, when speaking at the debates, that the defendant received a real imprisonment term. His parents had also stated that Magomedov, while under investigation, misbehaved; therefore, they wanted a real not a conditional sentence.

Aziz Kurbanov, the advocate for the victims, referred in his speech to the cassation definition of the Supreme Court of Dagestan, which had overturned the earlier verdict as too lenient.

Author: Natalia Krainova Source: CK correspondent

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