02 August 2012, 21:00

Information on mine-planting at Vladikavkaz marketplace not confirmed

Today, all markets of Vladikavkaz were evacuated and cordoned off because of an anonymous call about a planted bomb. Law enforcement authorities of North Ossetia did not found any explosive devices and explosives at any of the seven markets of Vladikavkaz.

The evacuation of visitors and personnel was started from the Central Market, since policemen determined that the call was made from a payphone, located nearby.

According to Alla Akhpolova, Spokesperson of the press service of the Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), "all markets have been checked and nothing suspicious was found," the "Interfax" reports.

"More than 1500 police officers were involved in the evacuation from the markets; all the markets were approached by fire fighting vehicles, ambulances, and officers of the Ministry for Emergencies (MfE)," Alla Akhpolova has added.

Till present, the caller has not been identified, the Radio Station "Ekho Moskvy" (Echo of Moscow) reports.

On September 9, 2010, a terror act was committed at the Central Market of Vladikavkaz, which killed 19 persons and injured 160 persons.

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