Special operation. Photo nac.gov.ru

29 December 2014, 08:55

NAC reported murder in Ingushetia of alleged leader of "Sunzha" grouping

The National Antiterrorist Committee (NAC) of Russia has confirmed that a shootout that broke out in the Sunzha District of Ingushetia resulted in the killing of three members of illegal armed formations (IAFs). According to the NAC, one of those killed was the head of the so-called "Sunzha" grouping of militants.

The armed clash in one of the streets in the village of Ordjonikidzevskaya occurred in the evening on December 28, when power agents killed three suspected members of the armed underground, namely, Ramzan Makhauri, Ramzan Gagaev and Amerkhan Amatkhanov, who were wanted on suspicion of involvement in terror acts and attempts against power agents, said a law enforcement source.

According to the latest data of the NAC, the above IAF members moved by means of public transport.

According to the operative headquarters of the NAC, those killed were members of the "Sunzha" grouping; and Ramzan Makhauri was its alleged leader.

"The gang is in charge of terrorist crimes, including the shelling of the military column near the village of Dattykh in September 2012, organization of the female suicide bombing in Sernovodsk in September 2013, as well as more than a dozen attempts on lives of law enforcers, and shelling and explosions of improvised explosive devices (IEDs)", says the message.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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