Bars in prison ward. Photo:

24 December 2015, 07:21

Officials of Ukrainian General Consulate want to visit Ukrainian citizen suspected of plotting terror acts and kept at Rostov IVS

The Ukrainian side has sent a request to the law enforcement bodies of Rostov-on-Don. Ukrainian officials want to visit at IVS (temporary detention facility) Arthur Panov, a 17-year-old citizen of Ukraine, who became involved in the criminal case of plotting a terror act.

The young man who used the Internet aka Arthur Romberg is a native of the town of Krasnodon of the Lugansk Region.

On November 24, Arthur Panov left the Lugansk Region for Russia. In Rostov-on-Don, he got a job in a supermarket. He lived in a dormitory in Zakrutkin Street. In the evening of December 5, at the dormitory, Arthur Panov was detained by policemen and FSB agents on suspicion of involvement in plotting of terror acts.

According to the law enforcement bodies, Arthur Panov was plotting terror acts in Rostov-on-Don and Moscow, and after the detention, he made a confession, the "Bloknot Rostov-on-Don" reports with reference to a source from the law enforcement bodies.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Konstantin Volgin Source: CK correspondent

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