ECtHR meeting. Photo:

13 April 2017, 11:33

ECtHR awards compensation of 3,043,000 euros to relatives of people killed in Beslan

The European Court of Human Rights has found violations of the rights of relatives of the people killed and injured in the seizure of the Beslan school in 2004 and awarded 409 complainants the compensation in the amount of 2,955,000 euros and 88,000 euros to recover court costs.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on September 1, 2004, militants took 1128 people hostage in the Beslan School No. 1. The rescue operation was completed on September 3, 2004. The terror act killed 334 people, including 186 children. 810 people were injured.

"The European Court of Human Rights has discovered four violations of the right to life in the case of Beslan!" Kirill Koroteev, an advocate of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", has written on his Facebook page today, who represents the complainants' interests on the complaint to the ECtHR.

The ECtHR has acknowledged that the Russian authorities failed to take the necessary measures to investigate all the circumstances of the terror act and the reasons for the deaths of the hostages. This is stated in the court's decision posted on the ECtHR's website.

Meanwhile, according to the court's decision, the ECtHR did not pronounce any decision concerning whether the law enforcers' actions resulted in an increase in the number of victims among the hostages.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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