06 June 2005, 02:54

Three days' victims

A contract serviceman from a military bomb squad received shrapnel wounds as a result of the detonation of an unidentified explosive device not far from Tsa-Vedeno, Vedeno district, the local Division of Internal Affairs said, quoted by Interfax.

A Zhiguli car, parked by the roadside, exploded not far from a checkpoint at the exit from Grozny towards Argun in Khankalskaia St in Grozny's Oktiabrskii district when the car of Said-Selim Tsuyev, Chechnya's military call-up commissioner, was going by at 11.55 am on 4 June. Six persons were wounded as a result: three contract servicemen, a Defence Ministry officer, a police officer, an officer of the Shatoi District Division of Internal Affairs, and a local resident, Chechnya's Internal Affairs Ministry said on 5 June. The condition of one of them is critical, the source told Interfax. Tsuyev himself was not in the car at the moment, although the terrorist act is assumed to have been aimed at him.

Sultan-Bek Abalayev, an active member of Chechnya's illegal armed formations, was killed because he put up armed resistance in the process of his detention in Grozny on 5 June, the Joint Press Centre of the Regional Operational Headquarters (ROH) for the Counter-terrorist Operation in the North Caucasus told RIA Novosti. Abalayev is said to have been involved in abductions and killings of law enforcement agents and civilians, as well as in terrorist acts and recruitment of rebels, especially from among young men.

The bodies of two men were found in a house in Starogladovskaia, Shelkovskaia district, at night on 5 June, the local District Division of Internal Affairs told Interfax. One of them turned out to be a policeman and the other a local resident. One version is that a murder and suicide were committed in the house.

The body of an unidentified girl of about 18-20 years of age was found near a chemical plant in Grozny's Zavodskoi district. "The girl was killed with several shots in her head," the source told Interfax.

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