An explosion at the factory in the Lokbatan village. Photo"

20 November 2017, 15:21

A worker killed by explosion at Baku factory

In Baku, a worker was killed in an explosion at the factory in the Lokbatan village of the Garadag District. Till present, he has not yet been identified, reported a source from the law enforcement agencies. According to the preliminary data, another person was injured.

The incident has occurred this morning. According to an official from the Crisis Management Centre of the Azerbaijani Ministry for Emergencies (MfE), one person was killed, the "Trend" reports.

The factory belongs to a Turkish businessman, the "APA" reports.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" has reported about an explosion which occurred at a steel plant of the Baku Steel Company on July 1. Then five persons were injured. On October 3, four persons were injured in an explosion at a steel plant in Baku.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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