22 April 2018, 03:26

Law enforcers' operation irritates Dagestani villagers

Law enforcers have surrounded the village of Matseevka in the Kizilyurt District of Dagestan, and inspected the households in search of cars. Their actions have aroused indignation among villagers.

In the morning on April 20, about 300 policemen surrounded Matseevka and searched all the cars leaving the village, on one of the villagers told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"There are two roads in the village: the main and the reserve ones; both were blocked, and people had to wait for hours in the jam," said a villager, who wished to remain anonymous.

According to his story, policemen asked all the villagers to present their passports, and were indignant with the fact that some of them had no documents with them.

"Does anyone in the village walk with documents in his pocket? Where did they see such things? Many of us had no passports; and this caused problems," he said.

According to the source, the policemen gave no explanations why the village was surrounded.

"Any asked questions irritated the policemen. Villagers are outraged by such attitude towards them; once again they have increased hatred for the shameless actions of policemen and authorities. Absolutely no one explained anything," the villager has complained.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Gor Aleksanyan Source: CK correspondent

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