A police car in Azerbaijan. Photo © Sputnik / Murad Orujov https://ru.sputnik.az/incidents/20180428/415087934/baku-zaderzhany-vooruzhennye-lica.html

01 May 2018, 14:27

Oppositionist detained in Azerbaijan

Samir Gasanov could be detained for his activities in social networks, reports Nureddin Mamedli, one of the leaders of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA).

According to him, Samir Gasanov was detained in Sheki on April 30. "The young man was riding a motorbike when he was detained. Activists from Sheki have told me that the police accuse him of loudly cursing while driving," Nureddin Mamedli told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Nureddin Mamedli called the accusation ridiculous. "Samir Gasanov is a well-bred young man, and he does not ride a motorcycle for fun," the politician noted.

Nureddin Mamedli believes Samir Gasanov could be detained for congratulating through Facebook Ali Kerimli, the leader of the PFPA, on his birthday on April 28.

"Apparently, the authorities decided not to mention the opposition at all," Nureddin Mamedli said.

Earlier, Samir Gasanov has also been subjected to arrests. So, in February 2017, he was sentenced to 20 days of arrest on the charge of disobeying the police.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Faik Medjid Source: CK correspondent

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