04 February 2019, 17:33

Chief Physician from KBR associates her dismissal with criticism of MPH

Tatiana Taova, the former Chief Physician of the Republic's Endocrinology Centre of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), has demanded reinstatement at work and compensation for moral harm because of unjustified dismissal. A formal reason for her dismissal was a minor error in her tax declaration, while the real reason was her criticism of the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) for insufficient supply of patients with medications, Ms Taova herself has stated.

In her lawsuit, Tatiana Taova indicated that she had worked for more than ten years and had no claims as regards her work. However, on November 2, 2018, she was dismissed by the order of the Republic's Minister of Public Health without explaining the reasons. As noted above, the formal reason for the dismissal was the undeclared income of 23,000 roubles, found but not declared by her.

Ms Taova herself regards that her public criticism of the MPH was the real reason for her dismissal. According to her story, she criticized the Ministry of Health for a failure to supply diabetes patients with the necessary medication.

When Taova was dismissed, her merits and marital status were not taken into account – the woman has the title of Honoured Doctor of the KBR, awards and diplomas, and she rears up her young son, the lawyer Vitaly Kolchenko has noted.

Three doctors and two women testified at the trial; they all described Tatiana Taova as a responsible and conscientious doctor.

According to one of the witnesses, her diabetic son was one of Taova's patients. "She literally pulled him out from death ... Her dismissal was a shock for us," said the woman.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 4, 2019 at 00:27 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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