Zhalaudi Geriev. Photo by Patimat Makhmudova for the "Caucasian Knot"

23 March 2019, 09:06

On the eve of release, Geriev is punished by 15 days in dungeon

Zhalaudi Geriev, a "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, was placed for 15 days into the dungeon (punishment cell) of the colony, where he is serving his sentence. In this way, the bosses of the Chechen colony have punished Geriev for his refusal to go out of his cell due to health problems.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Geriev was to be released under the conditional early relief (CER). However, on September 28, 2018, the CER was challenged by Maxim Dushin, the republic's deputy prosecutor, who is known for his unjustified prosecution of a member of the Coordinating Council of the Novosibirsk "Memorial" Society. The court had no grounds for refusing to release Geriev, said Alaudi Musaev, his advocate.

In September 2016, Zhalaudi Geriev was found guilty of possessing marijuana and sentenced to three years in prison. The "Caucasian Knot" believes that the case against Geriev was fabricated. The Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" declared Geriev to be a political prisoner; and 14 human rights and journalistic organizations condemned his prosecution.

The colony bosses considered that Geriev had violated the jail regime by refusing to leave the cell when prison staff entered it. This was reported by Alaudi Musaev, Geriev's advocate.

Geriev has just over a month left to stay in jail.

"The rights of those placed into the dungeon (also known as "ShIZO", an abbreviation of the Russian words "punishment cell") are severely restricted. Placing there is one of the most severe punishments," says the Big Judicial Dictionary (Moscow, 2003). Those placed in ShIZO are "prohibited from being visited by relatives, making phone calls, buying food, receiving parcels and packages."

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on March 22, 2019 at 09:53 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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