The Makhachkala activists at the protest action in support of Ivan Golunov. Photo by Patimat Makhmudova for the "Caucasian Knot"

10 June 2019, 11:32

Two activists detained in Makhachkala after criticizing law enforcers

The Makhachkala activists, Arsen Magomedov and Murad Manapov, were taken to a police station after they recorded a video in support of the journalist, Ivan Golunov, arrested in Moscow, and the Circassian activist, Martin Kochesoko.

Magomedov has organized an action in support of Ivan Golunov.

On June 6, in Moscow, law enforcers detained Ivan Golunov, a journalist of the "Meduza" website, within a drug dealing case. According to Ivan himself, drugs were planted on him. His colleagues associate his prosecution with his professional activities. Some Golunov's journalistic investigations had to do with the regions of the Caucasus and Southern Russia: he published materials about the assets of Ramzan Kadyrov's retinue.

Activists of the "Our City" movement recorded a video appeal in support of Ivan Golunov and Martin Kochesoko, the head of the NGO "Khabze" from Kabardino-Balkaria.

Policemen demanded from Magomedov to give explanations at the police station. He tried to explain that activists did nothing illegal and were in a special place for holding mass events, but he was forced to get into the car. Together with Magomedov, another participant of the action, Murad Manapov, was also taken to the police.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on June 9, 2019 at 02:52 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Patimat Makhmudova Source: CK correspondent

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