19 April 2003, 17:15

Trial on case of leader of Talish separatists has been resumed in Baku

On April 16 judicial hearing of the case of Alikram Gumbatov, a leader of the Talish separatists, was resumed. A public prosecutor asked the Court to pass life sentence on the accused. The Court of Appeal sits in the Gobustan?s jail where Gumbatov has been kept since 1996. In 2001 the Council of Europe that Azerbaijan joined demanded to review Gumbatov?s case. European experts found him convicted by political motives.

On July 20, 1993 Alikram Gumbatov along with his armed followers proclaimed an independent Talish-Mugan Republic on the territory of the southern areas of Azerbaijan and declared himself its president. Less than in a month he had to rising because of the local residents? protests. In December 1994 he was arrested and in 1996 sentenced to death for treason, foundation of illegal armed units, misappropriation of power, illegal deprivation of liberty and other things. Later the death penalty was substituted for life imprisonment.

On April 16 the public prosecutor actually called for the Court of Appeal to uphold the former sentence to Gumbatov. A defendant?s lawyer Elman Osmanov expressed bewilderment in connection with the prosecutor?s position. If the former sentence will be uphold it is not clear what the trial was conducted for. He announced the defense had asked the Court for a month?s period of time to prepare an appearance. The Court granted the petition.

Source: Prima News Agency

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