16 November 2006, 23:32

Refugees from Borozdinovskaya still live in the open air

Several tens of ethnic Avar families who fled last year from the village of Borozdinovskaya of the Shelkovskoj District of Chechnya after a punitive clean-up ("zachistka") held there, as a result of which one person was killed and 11 others disappeared, are still living in inhuman conditions near the administrative border of Chechnya and Dagestan. The Borozdinovskaya residents live in plywood sheds built by them, receiving no help from Chechen or Dagestan authorities. One of former inhabitants of Borozdinovskaya village told about all this to the "Council of Non-Governmental Organizations."

According to him, the camp, which the former Borozdinovskaya residents had called "Nadezhda" (Hope), is now sheltering about 160 persons including over 60 children. The refugees' children have no opportunity to learn, since they are not taken to local schools, and adults are actually deprived of their right to work, as they have no local registration. In search of earnings, the adult inhabitants of the "Nadezhda" camp have to go to the Stavropol Territory and Astrakhan Region, however, they may hope for seasonal work there only.

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