Screenshot of the video on Instagram

04 May 2020, 11:07

Chechen MP criticizes man with many children for request for help

Magomed Daudov, the Speaker of the Chechen Parliament, has told about a father of eight children, who has ended up, due to restrictions caused by coronavirus, without money and asked for help. The Speaker has condemned the man and offered him to sell his car in order to "drag time."

"Such phenomena as parasitism and begging have become a corrosion of our time ... A man demands that the headquarters feed him with his large family for two weeks, while he, a well-to-do man, has two expensive cars parked in his yard," says the comment to the video on the Instagram.

Daudov claims that the man who has applied for help has "a big house, two cars and everything there."

According to the residents of Chechnya interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, help fails to reach every needy family.

"I know a lot of people who literally survive now, without money and foodstuffs. For more than a month people are staying at home, without income ... The situation is no better than it was during the war. The only difference is that they aren't bombing us yet," said Sakhib, a man from Grozny.

Mikhail Roschin, an Orientalist, believes that such plots rebuking help seekers can lead to the situation when people will no longer ask for help in need.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on May 3, 2020 at 02:46 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: CK correspondents

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