Hand cuffs. Photo courtesy of Elena Sineok / Yuga.ru

15 February 2021, 18:17

Dagestani law enforcers detain a person accused of financing terrorism

A resident of Buynaksk was detained in a case on transferring more than 370,000 roubles to support terrorist organizations, the Investigating Department for Dagestan of the Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) reports today.

A 32-year-old resident of Buynaksk, earlier put on the international wanted list, was detained on the charge of organizing the financing of terrorism.

According to an investigators' version, in July 2016, while being abroad, the suspect organized fundraising to finance terrorism. In particular, the defendant used the money of his mother and "other unidentified persons," and the total raised amount exceeded 370,000 roubles. The money was intended "to involve citizens of Russia and the CIS countries in participating in an illegal armed formation (IAF) in Syria," the ICRF's Department for Dagestan reports today.

In 2020, the defendant was put on the international wanted list, and in February 2021, he was detained by officers of the Russian FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for Dagestan, the law enforcement body reports on its official website.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 15, 2021 at 03:31 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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