A private house damaged during the shelling in the fall of 2020. April 6, 2021. Photo by Alvard Grigoryan for the "Caucasian Knot"

07 April 2021, 11:56

Nagorno-Karabakh residents report damage to nearly 7000 dwellings facilities

During the shelling in the fall of 2020, in the territory controlled by Karabakh authorities, a total of 6943 apartments and private houses were completely destroyed or damaged, as it follows from the applications submitted by local residents. In their turn, authorities counted 24 unrecoverable and 58 badly destroyed houses in Stepanakert and Martuni District.

In April, the Karabakh government announced its readiness to support the refugees who wanted to do businesses and compensate for the loss of their property as a result of the autumn conflict aggravation and the transfer of some districts to Azerbaijan.

According to Ararat Bamanyan, the Minister of Urban Development of Nagorno-Karabakh, the heavily destroyed residential buildings are being studied by the republic's seismic service; the conclusion thereof will define whether the structures will be demolished or subject to restoration. He has added that all the demolished houses will be rebuilt.

Mkhitar Stepanyan, a resident of the Karmir Shuka community, said that during the war, a shell hit his house. Now, he and his family temporarily live in Stepanakert; and he works as a taxi driver. According to Stepanyan, his house is now being restored.

Roza Dadayan has complained to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that a shell hit her house in Stepanakert, but "to this day they haven't begun restoring it, although the authorities promised to do it."

"We have to live in the semi-basement room of the house ... My house suffered also during the First Karabakh War (in the early 1990s), but they haven't helped to restore it," the woman has complained.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on April 6, 2021 at 10:30 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Alvard Grigoryan Source: CK correspondent

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