15 July 2021, 11:47

Baku court leaves “Muslim Unity” activist in custody

The Baku Court of Appeal (BCA) has refused to grant a complaint against the arrest of Razi Gumbatov, an activist of the movement “Muslim Unity”. The activist pleaded not guilty to drug trafficking, and the defence intends to seek mitigation of the pr-trial restriction measure, an advocate of Razi Gumbatov reports.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that on July 7, activist Razi Gumbatov was detained and taken away to some unknown destination. The case against Razi Gumbatov is fabricated, while the real reason for his prosecution is his posts criticizing the Azerbaijani authorities in social media, the activist's associates suggest.

According to advocate Djavad Djavadov, Razi Gumbatov claimed that during his detention he was subjected to physical pressure.

“At trial, he said that he was being prosecuted for his critical posts, public campaigning, and putting up posters against drugs. Razi Gumbatov said that he had no drugs. He is a believer, and such activities would be a shame for him,” advocate said.

According to the investigators’ version, during the detention, law enforcers found a parcel with opium which Razi Gumbatov kept for sale. Meanwhile, a source of the “operational information” has not been disclosed, and Razi Gumbatov claims that the drugs were planted to him by the police.

On his Facebook, Razi Gumbatov criticized Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev. “Because of your policy, the people cannot use their wealth. Every time you promise oil and gas to foreign guests, it becomes clear that winter will again be cold for us,” he wrote in his post.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on July 14, 2021 at 04:46 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Faik Medjid Source: CK correspondent

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