The village of Tekh. Photo: Dan Kablack,Файл:Tegh.jpg

21 July 2021, 14:35

Residents of Syunik Region of Armenia complain about Azerbaijani militaries

Soldiers of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces prevent residents of the border community of Tekh in the Syunik Region of Armenia from working in the fields; they detained a local combine operator and threatened him, Arman Tatoyan, the Armenian Ombudsperson has made public villagers' complaints today.

Azerbaijani servicemen violated the rights of the Tekh community members on July 19, Arman Tatoyan has stated. According to the data collected by the Ombudsperson's office, on that day one of the villagers was working on his own land, harvesting wheat by a combine. He finished work 150 meters from the contact line with the Azerbaijani militaries.

"By approaching, Azerbaijani soldiers began threatening the Tekh villager, shouting and pushing him; they forcibly took him and his harvester to their positions," the Ombudsperson said in his statement.

The villager managed to contact the head of the Tekh community; and Armenian militaries and Russian border guards intervened in the situation. The man was released, and his harvester was returned. Other Tekh villagers also complained that Azerbaijani militaries interfered with their agricultural works, the "" has quoted the Ombudsperson as saying.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on July 21, 2021 at 09:58 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: The Caucasian Knot

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