Shalva Khanikaev, son of  a victim of the Beslan terror act, who died while awaiting hospitalization to the North-Caucasian Medical Centre. Image made from video posted by Mash Gor on June 27, 2022,

10 July 2022, 10:30

Victims of Beslan terror act complain about obstacles in obtaining medical care

The son of Zaur Khanikaev, a victim of the Beslan terror act, who died while awaiting hospitalization to the North-Caucasian Medical Centre, has filed complaints with the investigating committee and the prosecutor's office. Other survivors of the Beslan school attack have also complained about obstacles in receiving the planned medical care.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that for many years victims of terror acts have been seeking the adoption of a law that would define the duty of the state to help terror act victims.

On September 1, 2004, terrorists took 1128 hostages in a gym of the Beslan school No. 1. The special operation to release the hostages was finished on September 3, 2004. As a result of the terror act, 334 people were killed, including 186 children, and other 810 people were injured.

Zaur Khanikaev, 68, one of Beslan hostages, has died waiting for medical care, his son Shalva has stated. After the death of his father, Shalva Khanikaev lodged applications to the investigating committee and prosecutor's office, the "Business FM" has reported.

Other Beslan terror act victims have also complained that they could not receive qualified medical care at the North-Caucasian Medical Centre.

Atsamaz Misikov, who was among the hostages along with his parents, said that he had failed to achieve his father's hospitalization to the North-Caucasian Medical Centre.

Alina Naldikoeva said that she managed to get a referral to the above centre by involving the "Beslan Mothers" and the chief physician. According to her story, she was refused hospitalization, as the wards were occupied by patients who were treated on the paid basis.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on July 9, 2022 at 05:40 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: The Caucasian Knot

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