A colony. Photo: Elena Sineok / Yuga.ru

03 September 2022, 08:30

New case opened against inmates from Dagestan beaten up in colony

In Kalmykia, investigators have opened a criminal case on incitement to riots against Dagestani prisoners Magomed Atimagomedov and Daud Kuramagomedov, their advocates have informed.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that the Dagestani Ombudsperson, Djamal Aliev, stated on August 16 that he would seek a transfer the Dagestani prisoners accused of attacking the staff of IK-2 (correctional colony) in Kalmykia to the hospital. According to advocates, their clients were severely beaten up in the colony.

On August 8, the "Gulagu.net" reported about the beating of more than a hundred prisoners of the colony in Kalmykia after a colony warden was murdered. Vladimir Osechkin has stated that the convicts, who are accused of attacking the colony staff, had previously been tortured. Aza Alieva, one of the advocates, reported that her client, Magomed Atimagomedov, was tortured, severely beaten up and poured with boiling water, forcing him to sign the necessary testimonies. The second suspect, Daud Kuramagomedov, was also subjected to torture and violence, his advocate, Snezhana Muntyan said.

The Investigating Department for Kalmykia of the Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation (ICFR) has notified the advocates Aza Alieva and Snezhana Muntyan that a criminal case was initiated against their clients on August 26 under the article on incitement to mass riots – Part 3, Article 212, of the Criminal Code, the "Chernovik" (Draft) portal reported on September 2, citing Ms Alieva, who is defending Magomed Atimagomedov. The defence disagrees with the article and claims that "there were no such calls from convicts at all," the portal has noted.

"We'll sort it out. They should have a base of proofs. Let's go and see what investigators have, and what they are based on. Of course, we will appeal against the decision to initiate a criminal case under this article," Aza Alieva has concluded.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on September 2, 2022 at 08:50 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: The Caucasian Knot

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