Irina Grigorieva. Screenshot of the video

10 December 2022, 23:47

Defence of Krasnodar activist claims violation of her rights at mental hospital

Irina Grigorieva, a Krasnodar activist, has recorded a video appeal from the psychiatric hospital, where she was forcibly taken for examination. Her advocate and mother are not allowed to visit her; and the data of her examinations are written down into the review only from doctor's words, Irina Grigorieva and her advocate, Knarik Arutyunyan, assert.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Irina Grigorieva had filed an appeal against the decision of the Krasnodar court to send her for a psychiatric examination, but on November 17, even before the consideration of the appeal, Grigorieva was forcibly taken from her home to the psychiatric hospital. The advocate has treated the fact as "punitive psychiatry."

According to Irina, her problems began after she was accused of slandering a judge.

As stated by the advocate, at the hospital they told her that Grigorieva had refused from her services; and at the same time, they persuaded Irina to refuse from the services of the advocate Arutyunyan.

The defence believes that Grigorieva is credited without fixing symptoms of some neurological disorders in order to subsequently "declare her mentally ill," by choosing a diagnosis that matches the description.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on December 9, 2022 at 04:38 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Kristina Romanova Source: СK correspondent

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