A gavel. Photo: Fyodor Obmaykin / Yugopolis

28 September 2023, 19:07

Four residents of Dagestan sentenced to long terms within "prison jamaat" case

While serving their sentences in a colony, Rasul Magomedov, Biybolat Kukuev, Abdusamad Miriev and Murad Israpilov, natives of Dagestan, took part in a terrorist organization, the court has established and sentenced them to prison terms from 18 to 24 years.

The four residents of Dagestan were found guilty of assisting and participating in a terrorist community formed in the Novo-Tyubinsk colony, where they were serving their terms, the "Kavkaz.Realii"* project has reported citing its source.

Rasul Magomedov was sentenced to 24 years in prison as the leader of the imputed terrorist organization. Biybolat Kukuev, Abdusamad Miriev and Murad Israpilov have been sentenced to the terms ranging from 18 to 19 years.

According to investigators, the "prison jamaat" was created in 2013 by Magomed Kasumov; and its leaders were engaged in propaganda of terrorism: they called for attacking law enforcers and for leaving for Syria to take part in hostilities there.

According to the source, about 40 defendants figure in the "prison jamaat" case.

A former inmate of the above colony has stated that the testimonies on the basis of which the case was opened about the "terrorist jamaat" were obtained under torture.

*Included by the Russian Ministry of Justice (MoJ) into the register of foreign agents.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on September 27, 2023 at 08:33 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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