07 August 2003, 19:51

Vladimir Putin received report on human rights observance in Chechnya

On Thursday Vladimir Putin held a routine meeting with his envoy for human rights in Chechnya Abdul Khakim Sultygov.

Sultygov delivered a report, reviewing work done to provide human rights observance in the Chechen Republic. "This is a review of main spheres we managed to improve and issues to focus on, taking into account new realities that appeared after the referendum and ahead of presidential elections in the Chechen Republic," the official said.

"Apart from the mechanisms that we managed to check there are some material and technical problems, which handicap investigation of crimes, consequently, balking restoration of human rights and liberties," Sultygov pointed out. According to him, "there is a number of technicalities," concerning restoration of peace and order in Chechnya. "In particular, we consider joint patrols by internal troops and military commandant's staff to be a serious resource," Sultygov remarked. "Local population can be of great help too." One of the key spheres of his activity is believed to be work to convene a civil forum within the framework of a public accord agreement. Sultygov stressed the importance of this step in connection with the upcoming presidential elections in Chechnya.

Source: RIA Novosti

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