08 August 2003, 13:34

Candidates for Chechen president?s post are forming ?coalition against Kadirov?

Chechen politician and businessman Malik Saydulayev announced in Moscow that candidates for the post of the Chechen President want to unite in the election struggle against Akhmad Kadirov.

Chechen politician and businessman Malik Saydulayev announced in Moscow that candidates for the post of the Chechen President want to unite in the election struggle against Kadirov.

Saydulayev said he had already met almost all candidates for the post of the president and ?all those who would register?. He named, in particular, Beslan Gantimirov, Ruslan Hasbulatov, Said-Selim Peshkhoev, Said-Hamzat Gayrbekov.
?One of us will remain after the first round?, businessman is sure.

?We agreed to support any candidate among those who would advance, who would be given the greater number of votes, except Kadirov?, he underlined.

To conduct the fair Chechen election, in his opinion, it is necessary to attract as many international observers as possible.

Saydulayev also announced he had handed documents to the Chechen election commission as a candidate for the president?s post.

The presidential election is set for October 5, 2003.

Source: RIA Novosti

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