A book fair organized on the occasion of the revival day of the Balkar people. Screenshot of the video by the "Vesti Kabardino-Balkaria" (Kabardino-Balkaria News), March 28, 2024 https://smotrim.ru/video/2782191

30 March 2024, 19:20

Revival Day of Balkar People celebrated without mass events after terror act at Crocus City Hall

The Ministry of Culture of Kabardino-Balkaria explained the cancellation of entertainment events on the occasion of the revival day of the Balkar region by the terror act at the Crocus City Hall. Residents of the republic said that this year they refrained from celebrating because of the tragedy which occurred in the Moscow Region. To revive the Balkar region, the population growth is necessary, which is slowed down due to the outflow of villagers to the cities, activists emphasize.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that the deportation affected all Balkar families. It is important to preserve the memory of those who did not return from deportation, said participants in a mourning rally in Nalchik dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the deportation. The consequences of the deportation, even after 80 years, are reflected in the fate of the Balkars, in particular, many Balkar people perished during the deportation, and rehabilitation cannot be considered complete, activists from public organizations claim.

Khakim Kuchmezov, the leader of the regional branch of the “Yabloko” Party, notes that he does not celebrate the revival day of the Balkar region. “This date was set by the authorities. It has nothing to do with historical events ... It could be considered a revival if there was an increase in the population. But the number of Balkars is not growing fast enough,” Khakim Kuchmezov said.

The leader of the regional branch of the “Yabloko” Party sees the reason for the slow demographic growth in the outflow of residents to the cities. “The main population growth was in the villages. And now ... residents have to take out loans and move to cities. They take out a mortgage and buy apartments ... They have to work for 30-40 years to pay for the housing. There is no time left to have children,” Khakim Kuchmezov complained.

Tamara Gerieva, the chair of the Executive Committee of the Balkar Council of Elders, agrees that the revival of the Balkar people will occur when all Balkar villages are revived, including those where no one lives now.

“We mourn those killed in the terror act in Moscow, and we share the grief of their loved ones. It would be blasphemous to organize any entertainment events at such a time. And besides, it’s Ramadan,” said Marziyat Khulaeva, a resident of Khasanya.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on March 28, 2024 at 10:00 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: СK correspondent

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