07 April 2024, 22:35

Dagestani woman achieves compensation for medical care denial

A court in Dagestan has awarded three million roubles in compensation to a former employee of the Gunib District Hospital, whose doctors hid her HIV-positive status from her for two years and did not prescribe the due treatment.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that a woman from Dagestan, a former employee of the Gunib hospital, has demanded through the court seven million roubles in compensation from her employer and the Republican Centre for Infectious Diseases, who had failed to notify her of her HIV-positive status. The woman's colleagues knew about her diagnosis, hid this information from her and did not prescribe her the due treatment.

The victim's interests were represented by lawyers from the human rights organization "Patient's Monitor". The woman who is raising six children was deprived of treatment for two years and, as a result, received a disabled category. She found out her diagnosis by chance when she was preparing reports at work and saw her name on the list of HIV-positive patients.

The compensation of three million roubles is a record for Dagestan, the "Patient's Monitor" has noted. The money should be paid to the woman by her former employer, the Gunib Central District Hospital.

"They actually doomed their colleague to death by hiding the diagnosis from her (...) For two years, instead of prescribing adequate treatment, they treated this poor woman for false diagnoses," the "Patient's Monitor" wrote in its Telegram channel.

"The woman is being actively treated, and she is already better; she managed to gain weight and is taking care of her children," the channel has stated.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on April 5, 2024 at 05:53 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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