08 August 2003, 13:40

Chechen separatists? site resumed its activity in Lithuania

 ?Kavkaz-Center?, an Internet site of Chechen separatists has resumed its activity in Lithuania. Earlier the site was closed by the Lithuanian State Security Department after experts? findings had been obtained that this Internet source had spread information advocating terrorism and national discord.

The site contains no information on where the server which provides site functioning is situated and who it belongs to. At the same time it is mentioned that ?the activity of the site has been resumed due to the firm position of Lithuanian human rights activists, deputies of the Lithuanian Seym and the head of the Elnet company Rimantas Pasys?.

Interfax News Agency haS not yet got the reaction of the Lithuanian authorities on the resumption of Chechen separatists? site activity.

Source: Interfax News Agency

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