Magomed Daudov (left) and Muslim Khuchiev. Collage by the "Caucasian Knot". Photo: "Grozny Inform"

25 May 2024, 20:53

Personnel changes highlight level of Chechen authorities’ autonomy

The resignations of Magomed Daudov and Muslim Khuchiev from their posts have shown that the authorities of Chechnya are more independent in personnel matters than other regions of Russia, analysts emphasize. The resignation of Magomed Daudov has not spoiled his relationship with Ramzan Kadyrov, the spokesperson for the “Vayfond” human rights association believes.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that Prime Minister of Chechnya Muslim Khuchiev resigned due to his transfer to another job. Ramzan Kadyrov announced that Muslim Khuchiev was appointed an assistant to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. On May 15, several days before the announcement of the Muslim Khuchiev’s resignation from his post, it became known in Chechnya about the resignation of Magomed Daudov, the chair of the Chechen Parliament.

The resignations of two top-ranking Chechen officials may be related to Ramzan Kadyrov’s fears that the Kremlin is looking for a successor to him, Svetlana Gannushkina* believes. Muslim Khuchiev did not position himself as a politically influential figure in the republic, objects Ruslan Kutaev, the president of the Assembly of Caucasian Nations.

Mikhail Vinogradov, the head of the “Saint Petersburg Politics” Foundation, has pointed out the special approach of the federal authorities to personnel policy in Chechnya.

Magomed Daudov has not lost his immunity, despite leaving his post, says Mukhammad Abdurakhmanov, the spokesperson for the “Vayfond” human rights association in Germany. “That can be judged from the recording of one of the recent meetings attended by Magomed Daudov. And Ramzan Kadyrov praised him in every possible way, spoke with favour about him, recalling that Magomed Daudov allegedly ‘revenged’ the death of his father Akhmad Kadyrov,” Mukhammad Abdurakhmanov noted.

“After Akhmat-Khadji perished on May 9, 2004, Magomed Daudov addressed me with a request to let him find the organizers of the murder and destroy them. He did that, thereby avenging Akhmat-Khadji. I will never forget his act,” said Ramzan Kadyrov as quoted by the “Chechnya Segodnya” (Chechnya Today) news agency.

The above fact indicates that there is no serious tension between Ramzan Kadyrov and Magomed Daudov, Mukhammad Abdurakhmanov emphasizes. “However, in the Magomed Daudov’s final speech in the parliament after his resignation, his words showed resentment. It is unlikely that he wanted to leave the post. Most likely, we will soon see that Magomed Daudov will take another post,” Mukhammad Abdurakhmanov concluded.

*Included by the Russian Ministry of Justice (MoJ) into the register of foreign agents.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on May 24, 2024 at 06:43 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: СK correspondent

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