10 April 2003, 03:32

Djarimov, Aslan Alievich

Ex-President (1992-2002) of Adygeya, member of the Federation Council (1996).

Born November 7, 1939, in the village of Egerukhay, Koshekhabl County, Adygei Autonomous Area, in a family of a peasant. Adygei by nationality. Father ? Djarimov, Aliy Zabitovich (b. 1911), mother ? Abregova, Tsurka Fitsevna (b. 1918).

In 1959, entered Kuban Agricultural Institute (KubSI), which he graduated from in 1964, receiving a qualification of agronomy scientist. In 1967-1968, pursued distant studies in the graduate school at the Agriculture Economy Department of KubSI. In 1975, defended a master's thesis Economic Efficiency of Mineral Fertilizer Usage in the Kolkhozes of Adygei Autonomous Area. In 1985, graduated from the Social Sciences Academy of the Central Committee of KPSS (Communist Party of the Soviet Union). Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In 1957-1959, was a worker of Put k kommunizmu (Way to Communism) kolkhoz.

Was a member of KPSS since 1956 until its prohibition in August 1991.

In 1964-1968, was a grain agronomist and senior planning economist of the Koshekhabl Country agriculture administration; in 1968-1970, was department head of the regional agriculture administration of Adygei Autonomous Area.

In 1970-1973, was a deputy department head of Adygei Regional Committee of KPSS.

In 1973-1975, was director of Adygei Regional Federal Agricultural Experimental Station.

In 1975-1980, was the head of agriculture department of Adygei Regional Committee of KPSS; in 1980-1984, was the secretary of Adygei Regional Committee for Agriculture. Simultaneously (since 1982) studied in the Academy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of KPSS.

In 1984, transferred to Krasnodar Regional Committee of KPSS, where he worked as the head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Processing Industry until 1987.

In 1987, was appointed the secretary of Krasnodar Regional Committee of KPSS for the Agro-Industrial Complex.

From January 18, 1989, till March 1990, was the first secretary of Adygei Regional Committee of KPSS.

In 1989, was elected the people's deputy of the USSR in national constituency No. 703 (Adygeya); joined the Communist Deputy Group.

During the Second Congress of the people's deputies of the USSR in December 1989, was against putting Article 6 of the USSR Constitution cancellation on the agenda.

Joined and spoke at the Second Congress of Adygei Republican Movement Adyge khase (Adygei Council) presided by the Adygei philologist Abubachir Skhalyano. Being a member of the Movement (for the most part, only nominally), cautiously supported the Adyge khase's course for Adygeya's status elevation to a national republic and its breakaway from Krasnodar Region. In his speeches, usually put forward Adyge khase as an example of multiparty structure in the Area.

On March 4, 1990, was elected the people's deputy of the Adygei Regional Council of People's Deputies, and on March 22, the chairman of the Area Council (104 of 111 deputies voted for him). In this position, campaigned for power transfer to the Councils and property form diversion.

In 1990-1991, was the chairman of the Constitution Commission of the Regional Council of People's Deputies.

In June and July 1990, was a delegate of the 28th Congress of KPSS and Constituent Assembly of the Communist Party of RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic); at the Constituent Assembly of the Communist Party of RSFSR, was elected a member of its Central Committee.

Was a pro-Gorbachev "center" devotee, spoke against both "democratic platform" and orthodox wing of KPSS. Supported the market direction of the reforms ("If it has happened this way, only the market economy will take the country out of the crisis, but the Party should not allow this reform to share the fate of the previous ones.")

On September 12, 1990, the Regional Council's Presidium headed by A. Djarimov accepted the decision to put the issue of Adygei Autonomous Area's state and legal status elevation on the agenda of the Regional Council's session. On October 5, 1990, the Regional Council of People's Deputies proclaimed Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR) of Adygeya within RSFSR.

During the debate on the Declaration of Adygeya's State Sovereignty at the Fifth Session of the Regional Council on June 28, 1991, supported the "sovereignty," simultaneously mentioning the historic ties with Russia, multinational composition of the Area's population, and lifelong economic and spiritual ties with the nations of the Kuban region and adjacent republics. On June 29, 1991, the Session adopted the Declaration of Adygeya's State Sovereignty; the word "Autonomous" was removed from the Republic's title, and the Regional Council was renamed into the Council of People's Deputies of SSR Adygeya. On July 3, 1991, President of RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin signed the Law On Transformation of Adygei Autonomous Area into Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygeya within RSFSR).

During the events of August 19 through 21, 1991, was not in the Republic.

On August 27, 1991, presided at the Special session of Council of People's Deputies, which denounced GKChP (State Emergency Committee), supported Yeltsin's decree on KPSS's property nationalization, but almost unanimously refused to sack the former Regional Committee members from the Council presidium (only one voted for it).

At the First Congress of Adygei Nation in early October 1991, held under the Committee 40's initiative (created by the Adyge khase movement), supported the idea of parity representation of Adygeis and Russians in the future Supreme Council (according to the 1989 census, there were 95,000 Adygeis and 294,000 Russians residing in the Republic).

At the Seventh Session of the People's Deputies' Council of Adygeya on October 25, 1991, pushed forward the decision in favor of simultaneous elections of the Supreme Council and the head of executive branch (the president) of Adygeya SSR, as well as the Law on parity representation. The Supreme Council election took place on December 22, 1991, through January 5, 1992, simultaneously with the presidential election; the by-elections took place on February 16 and March 1, 1992. In the first round of the presidential election on December 22, 1991, received 39.75% of votes (73,929 votes); his major rival Pshimaf Khakuz, docent of the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute's Philosophy Department and chairman of Kuban branch of Democratic Russia movement, received 17.28% of votes (32,148 votes). The following also ran for the president: People's Deputy of RSFSR Aslanby Khutyz (9.31%), Maykop City Council's deputy chairman Boris Merzakulov (8.28%), and deputy principal of Pedagogic College Kazbek Achmiz (4.39%). In the second round, Djarimov received 69.4% of votes; P. Khakuz ? 23.4%. On January 17, 1992, was sworn in as a president. On January 31, 1992, issued a decree On Government of the Republic and Administration Reorganization, according to which the president of SSR Adygeya automatically functions as a Government Chairman of the Republic.

Appointed N.G. Pedan the first deputy of the Government Chairman.

On March 30, 1993, signed the Federative Treaty, but expressed an opinion that the Treaty worked inefficiently since the Ministries and State Committees of the Russian Federation did not consider it a document regulating the relations between Republics.

Supported the multi-form agriculture development, which would include both farmers and reorganized kolkhozes.

Actively supported the participation of Adygei volunteers in the war in Abkhazia, officially offering financial support to the returning volunteers and their families. Adygeya has established and maintains the relations with Abkhazia at a level of Plenipotentiary Representatives; A. Djarimov himself officially congratulated Vladislav Ardzinba with Sukhum's liberation from the Georgian troops in September 1993.

After President Yeltsin's decree No. 1400 On Staged Constitutional Reform was published, signed an order together with the Supreme Council Chairman Adam Tleuzh on September 22, according to which the decree No. 1400 was considered contradicting the Constitution of RSFSR, and all the power branches in Adygeya were ordered to act according to Constitution, Federative Treaty, and the Declaration of Adygeya's State Sovereignty.

At the Ninth Special Session of the Supreme Council on October 12, 1993, supported the Federation subjects' right to delegate their representatives to the Federation Council without elections.

On November 10, 1993, issued a decree confirming the composition of the Legislative Assembly- Khase, the parliament of the Republic of Adygeya, a special transitional body composed of 45 ex-Supreme Council members elected by open-ballot simple majority at the session; the chairman's position in the Legislative Assembly ? Khase was maintained by the Supreme Council chairman A. Tleuzh.

In November 1993, ran for the Federation Council Deputy in the two-mandate Adygei constituency. A. Djarimov's candidacy was supported by the Republican Afghanistan Veterans' Council, Peace League, and the Republican Council of War, Labor, Military, and Law-Enforcement Veterans. Besides A. Djarimov, the following ran for the Federation Council: Adygeya's Supreme Council deputy Chairman Alexander Radchenko, Adygeya's Supreme Council Deputy Kadyr Chale (both supported by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation), director of Energostroysvyaz enterprise Valery Chukho, director of Takhtamukagropromkhimia state commercial enterprise Aslanby Sovmiz, and the head of the Maykop City administration Mikhail Chernichenko (supported by the Vybor Rossii (Choice of Russia) bloc).

On December 12, 1993, A. Djarimov (71.1% of votes, 134,633 votes) and M. Chernichenko (48.7% of votes, 92,248 votes) were elected the deputies of the Federation Council. Voters' participation: 196,576 out of registered 323,612; the runner-up A. Radchenko received 32.5% of votes; the others received less than 10% each.

Starting January 1994, was a member of the Federation Council Committee on Security and Defense.

In 1994, carried out a minor hajj to Mecca within a governmental delegation. Muslim Cultural Center of Russia (IKTsR) founded by Abdul-Vakhed Niyazov organized the hajj.

In 1995, assisted creating the Adygei branch of the Nash Dom ? Rossiya (Our Home Russia) (NDR) movement headed by the first deputy chairman of Adygeya's government Nikolay Pedan. N. Pedan was elected into the Council of NDR at the First Congress of NDR on May 12, 1995 in Moscow. The head of Staff Department of Adygeya's President's and Government's Administration Eduard Nagoev became the chairman of the executive committee of the local NDR branch.

Starting January, 1996, was the member of the Federation Council of the second convocation by his position. In the new Federation Council, also joined the Security and Defense Committee; on October 15, 1997, transferred to the Committee on Federation, Federative Treaty, and Regional Policies; in 1998, was elected the deputy chairman of the Committee.

On January 12, 1997, was reelected the President of the Republic, receiving 57.8% of votes. At the Fourth Congress of NDR on April 19, 1997, was elected a member of the Political Council of NDR.

In April 1999, was a member of the initiative group of Vsya Rossiya (All Russia) bloc.

Starting 2000, is a member of the Counting Board of the Federation Council.

Fluent in Adygei and Russian.

Honored member of International Adygei Academy of Sciences, full member of the Ecologic Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of International IT Academy.

Master of sports in sambo; ex-champion of Russia in sambo.

Hobbies include fitness and sports, fiction reading, and gardening.

Authored books on regional economy issues, including: Adygeya: from Autonomy to Republic (1995), A Region within the United Market Space of Russia (1995), Market Transformation of the Economic Space and Regions' Inclusion in It (1995), Diagnostics of the Regional Dynamics and Market Adaptation of a Region's Economy.

Awarded the Soviet order of the Sign of Honor (orden "Znak Pocheta") (1973) and Russian Order of Friendship (Orden Druzhby) (1995).

Married. Wife ? Djarimova, Fatima Ramazanovna (b. 1947), two daughters: Tlekhas (nee Djarimova) Angela Aslanovna (b. 1968) and Djarimova Bela Aslanovna (b. 1975).

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