30 January 2008, 13:43

People in Chechnya hope that militaries will be made responsible for shelling Gekhi village

The authorities and residents of Chechnya hope that the militaries will be brought to responsibility for shelling the village of Gekhi, Urus-Martan District of Chechnya, from long-range guns.

The leader of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov has stated that he takes the investigation into the incident under his personal supervision:

"I can understand if they miss the target by 100 or 500 meters, by a kilometre at least. But 25 kilometres?! The Gekhi village is not in the direction of Ingushetia at all. I think it's not a mistake or negligence, it's a criminal breach of military discipline."

According to the latest updated information, as a result of the bombardment by Russian militaries of Gekhi village, 26 households and several cars were damaged, as well as gas and electricity supplies to the village were interrupted. Fortunately enough, there were no casualties and victims.

"Yesterday, practically all the night long the militaries were shelling from their long-range guns huge forests massifs of the Achkhoi-Martan and its neighbouring Urus-Martan Districts. There is information that a skirmish burst out in the vicinity of Bamut village between militaries and militants, and the former had casualties. After that, militaries opened fire at large forests located near the outskirts of the villages in the area under the pretext that militants could be hiding there," the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed on January 29 by the employees of the Information Centre at the Union of Chechen NGOs.

Author: Sultan Abubakarov, CK correspondent

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