20 August 2003, 15:05

Rob Mosher: "We are ready to greet Turkish-Armenian border opening"

 ?We are ready to greet the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border and elimination of the blockade of Armenia. The peace in the region of the Karabah conflict is sure to be appreciated?, said the director for contacts with the Congress of the Armenian Assembly of America Rob Mosher, being a delegate in Armenia among the staff officials of the US senators and congressmen.

When he was asked the question how he saw the opening of the border in the view of the Karabah conflict and the fact that Azerbaijan pressed Turkey in this matter, he answered, ?In this question Turkey should be an example to follow for Azerbaijan?. Mosher expressed an opinion that the opening of the border met Turkish economic interests and would serve as a guarantee of common regional stability. He assured it would become an economic incentive not only for Armenia but also for all countries of the region, which would, in its turn, stabilize the region. He stressed that uneven economic development of the countries raised the risk of conflicts.

Author: Susanna Petrosian, CK correspondent Source: Caucasian Knot

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