25 July 2008, 12:26

"Voice of Beslan" files claims against Russian and North-Ossetian MIAs

The All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan" has brought an action against the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of North Ossetia and its Russian counterpart. The victims of the terror act are sure that these two state bodies shall pay their moral compensation.

"We've been told that this is the issue of the Ministry of Finance. We're against it, as we think that Interior Ministries shall be the respondents. Besides, the Ministry of Finance has also rejected our claims," Ella Kesaeva, co-chair of the All-Russia Public Organization, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to Ms Kesaeva, two victims of the terror act applied for help to the Ministry of Finance, however, they were told that they had already received moral compensation in the form of humanitarian assistance. The victims categorically disagree with this viewpoint. They are going to file a complaint against the Ministries of Internal Affairs of North Ossetia and Russian Federation, and against the Ministry of Finance.

Besides, the Pravoberezhny Court of North Ossetia is still considering the case on illegal capture of the "Voice of Beslan" by Marina Melikova, its former member. The victims plan to defend their organization by all lawful ways. Within three months already, the "Voice of Beslan" has been writing letters to Tamerlan Aguzarov, Chairman of the Supreme Court of North Ossetia, asking him to receive and listen to the victims, however, this supreme body keeps silence.

Author: Alexandra Kuznetsova, CK correspondent

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