17 November 2008, 10:59

Subari: situation with human rights in Georgia changes to the worst

Sozar Subari, Georgian Ombudsman, has reported in his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that situation with human rights in his country has worsened. In his opinion, Georgia still has political prisoners; and the absence of guarantees of the freedom of speech is causing concern.

Mr Ombudsman has compared the current situation with the freedoms of press, speech, oppositional parties, etc., with the last years of Eduard Shevardnadze's power and noted that by today the situation with human rights in the country has changed to the worst.

"Naturally, in the days of Shevardnadze human rights were broken either. Elections were forged like today. Then, there were more facts of beatings and torture in the police. However, most of the civil-political rights are feeling worse today," the Ombudsman has noted.

In Mr Subari's opinion, the conflict with Russia has also told negatively on the respect of human rights in Georgia. "Media censorship is stronger; the majority of them have turned into tools of propaganda and disinformation. Besides, disappearances, tortures and murders, which are not investigated, and detentions by planting drugs on people, etc., have frequented," he has declared.

The Ombudsman has expressed his hope that the today's situation with human rights will not affect Georgia's relations with the USA and EU countries. "I hope that support rendered to Georgia will continue, but it will be support of the country and its independence, not of its leadership," Sozar Subari has stated.

Author: Svetlana Mkrtichan, CK correspondent

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