23 July 2007, 01:54

Attackers of ecologists in Angarsk assert that they took revenge on anti-fascists

The "Interfax" reports that the Prosecutor's Office of the Irkutsk Region has informed today that the persons, arrested on suspicion of attacking on July 21 the residents of the tent camp near Angarsk, are asserting that they took revenge for their comrade beaten by activists of the "Antifa" Movement.

Vladimir Shkurko, acting head of the Chief Interior Department (GUVD) of the Irkutsk Region, has informed that 20 suspects have been detained; two of them are now under arrest, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

The ecological protest camp in the vicinity of Angarsk was organized a week ago by the "Independent Action" Movement and the radical ecological organization "Rainbow Guards." The activists voice against creation of the International Nuclear Centre in Angarsk. They were holding peaceful meetings and pickets. In total, the camp counts 21 persons.

The ecologists have declared that they will continue their struggle, despite the tragic incident and militia's refusal to defend them from possible violence.

It has become known to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent from Moscow activists of the "Independent Action" Movement that in the evening on July 21 a mourning picket was held in Moscow at the building of "Rosatom" in memory of Ilya Borodaenko, ecologist and anti-fascist, participant of the "Independent Action."

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