09 February 2008, 17:28

Journalist beaten by militiamen in Krasnodar Territory

Sergey Rozhkov, a journalist from the city of Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory, was detained at night of February 2 in the house of his relative, when he was preparing a lawful protest action. According to the journalist, he was handcuffed, beaten and thrown into the luggage compartment of the militia's "Zhiguli" car.

A protocol on an administrative offence was immediately drawn up. Sergey was brought to an interior station (UVD) of Tuapse, and Judge Kutakov ruled a three-day arrest to him.

However, Alexandra Borisenko, PR inspector of the Tuapse's UVD, has completely rejected the facts of Rozhkov's transportation in the luggage compartment and beating. According to her story, Rozhkov was detained not at home of his relatives, but in the street, and the reason was "petty hooliganism, disrespect of the public, foul language and resistance to militiamen." Despite repeated requests of the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, Ms Borisenko failed to name an exact place of Rozhkov's detention.

Sergey Rozhkov himself told the correspondent that last night, on February 8, militiamen came to the traumatology department of the hospital. They brought a pre-written application stating that nobody had beaten the journalist and that he had no claims against militiamen. However, Mr Rozhkov refused to sign it. Only after intervention of his attending physician, the guards of the public order left the hospital.

Yuri Ilyin, Rozhkov's attending physician, explained to his relatives that brain concussion was diagnosed in the journalist. Besides, he has an extensive knee haematoma and complaints of liver pains; besides, consequences of a strong stress are observed.

Author: Evgeniy Titov, CK correspondent

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