18 June 2008, 14:02

Investigation of Anna Politkovskaya's murder is over

The Investigatory Committee at the Russian Prosecutor's Office has informed today about the completion of the investigation in relation to the persons accused of murdering the observer of the "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya.

"Today, the Chief Investigatory Department of the Committee will announce to the defendants in Anna Politkovskaya's murder case appears about the end of all investigatory actions and termination of the investigation," said Vladimir Markin, an official spokesman of the Investigatory Committee.

According to Mr Markin, currently the murder charge has been presented to three figurants - Sergey Hadzhikurbanov, Djabrail and Ibragim Makhmudovs. One more figurant - Pavel Ryaguzov - was accused of excess of official powers and extortion, the ITAR-TASS reports.

The inspector has informed that a separate case in relation to the direct killer Rustam Makhmudov and other persons was isolated out of the general criminal case. The investigation goes on.

In the meantime, in the opinion of Dmitri Muratov, editor-in-chief of the "Novaya Gazeta", Anna Politkovskaya's murder cannot be regarded solved.

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