Ingushetia, Chechnya's refugee camp. By Magomedov Said for "Caucasian knot"

29 July 2009, 18:00

Ingushetia: forced migrants complain of eviction from barrack

Members of eight families of forced migrants from the Prigorodny District of North Ossetia and Chechnya, and one needy family, who live in a barrack in Yuzny settlement, Malgobek District of Ingushetia, complain to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent of their violent eviction.

On July 28, according to their story, the barrack was sealed up by court marshals from the respective department of the Malgobek District, following the decision of the local district court that the barrack cannot be inhabited because of fire safety violations.

On the same day, owing to interference of Magomed-Sali Aushev, Vice-Premier of Ingushetia, head of the administration of the Malgobek District and members of the Public Commission on Human Rights at Ingush President, the 9 families were re-admitted to their barrack.

The above facility is inhabited by 5 families from the Prigorodny District, who had earlier lived in the villages later declared to be the territory "of water conservation zone" and closed for return of forced migrants, two families from the Chechen Republic and one local family unable to buy some housing. Most of these families have small children, and their adult members have no constant income and live below the breadline.

The tenants of the barrack assert that the guilt for their eviction is on the administration of Voznesenskaya village, Malgobek District, located near Yuzhny settlement. According to their story, at the trial the officials from that administration kept stating no forced migrants live in the barrack and that the administration was not against the eviction of the families.

Author: Zakre Magomadov Source: CK correspondent

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