Azerbaijan, Baku. Maidens tower. Photo by, Samir Aliyev

11 November 2009, 23:00

Azerbaijani public indignant with bloggers' conviction

Today, the Sabail District Court of Baku, chaired by Araz Guseinov, terminated litigation on the case of young bloggers Emin Milli and Adnan Gadjizade, accused of hooliganism and inflicting bodily injuries. Representatives of the public are indignant with the verdict.

The court found young bloggers guilty under both articles and sentenced Emin Milli to 2.5 years and Adnan Gadjizade - to 2 years of imprisonment.

Isakhan Ashurov, Gadzhizade's advocate, said that "the prosecutor has no idea of the notion 'proof of guilt' and the accusation was built in the best traditions of Soviet totalitarianism." "From the very beginning, the investigation was conducted with violations of the law. The parties were in unequal conditions. The principles of presumption of innocence and adversary nature of the judicial process were broken. Instead of running an inquiry, the police had immediately opened a criminal case," said advocate Ashurov.

Elton Guliev, Mr Milli's advocate, has also stated the "political character" of the bloggers' case.

In his turn, Emin Milli said that "there is no higher honour than serving punishment for one's ideals."

These statements were met by applause of support in the courtroom. And human rights defender Leila Yunus exclaimed: "Shame to Judge Araz Gusejnov!"

After a short consultation, the judge has announced the verdict; and the advocates treated the verdict as "unfair and illegal" and said that they would appeal against it at the Appeal Court.

Erkin Gadirli, head of the committee in defence of bloggers' rights, has named the court decision "a shame". "We'll bring this case to the European Court," he said.

Terri Davidson, head of the PR division of the US embassy, has expressed his regret of this end of the litigation.

Meanwhile, leaders of the democratic public of Azerbaijan have expressed indignation with the bloggers' verdict.

Thus, the Azerbaijani National Public Committee for European Integration (ANPCEI) has expressed its extreme indignation and resolute protest against the conviction of young bloggers to imprisonment.

In its turn, the Centre in Defence of the Freedom of Conscience and Religion (DEVAAM) has regarded the verdict as "unfair and biased."

The Institute of Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS) believes that "the bloggers' conviction to imprisonment has the aim to intimidate youth activists, who express their democratic views in the Internet and real life."

Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent

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